We apply specific foundations to improve our success outcomes on any type of deal. We do this as follows:


Know your strategy and why you are doing it. Are you buying or optioning the land or property? Is it a long-term investment, a flip (buy and sell) or a development opportunity (sub-division and/or build)? Are you seeking passive income or a lump sum profit? Answering these questions will help determine your investment strategy.


Ensure you have at least two exit strategies for every deal. Markets can change rapidly and being adaptable with a minimum of two strategies will ensure you are not caught short.

Location, Location, Location

Know your area. You do not need to be physically present in the area to invest but you must know the area and essential market analytics. A small list of examples might include: Government and infrastructure investment and trends, renters v buyers in the area and demographics of each, average vacancy rates for long-term investments, average days on market etc.

Buy Below Market Value

Buy below market value (yes, it is absolutely possible with the right training and approach), then seek to add value (e.g. through a renovation, increasing rents to market value) and enjoy the increased passive cash flow or profit.


Know your numbers. Whether you are buying as a long-term investment or a short-term profit, you must run your financial analysis with informed data (e.g. actual comparable sales within a 5km radius within the past 6 months) and you must stress test your numbers (e.g. interest rates rise by 3%).


Select your property based on the numbers. Do not form an emotional attachment to any investment property. Property profits pay the bills – emotions do not.


Use a ‘power team’ of qualified and professional experts (e.g. accountant, solicitor, mortgage broker, real estate agent, builder, project manager, property manager). It pays to use the experts as your time is far better utilised to enjoy life or find your next deal. Pay your ‘power team’ fair market rates (do not be cheap), reward them when they do a great job and replace them if they underperform.