We have many partners such as investors, joint venture partners and connections that make this journey a huge success.

Each of these partners is unique in their strategy and goals. Many have been with us for years on a long term relationship, where others are on a deal by deal  basis, and others are once off, or one deal every so often, each having their own advantages and returns.

Below is some of the testimonials from some of these partners we were lucky enough to partner with.

Morris & Muriel, Adelaide
Morris & Muriel, Adelaide
“We have run a small business for over 25 years, and are property investors along with other endeavours.
Our New Zealand journey acquainted us with Charl and Andrew a few years ago, and an opportunity arose in 2020 to invest with them.
Being time poor, it was an easy decision for our first experience as a private lender/Angel Investor.

We signed a 12 month deal for a property at Invercargill, which ran very smoothly from our perspective.
The renovation was completed very early, and even had an eager purchaser who wanted rapid settlement and went unconditional.
Our initial investment plus the interest was in our bank account as soon as the funds cleared.

We found our experience incredibly easy and would recommend this to other investors without any hesitation.
Andrew sent progress photos of the renovation, and always replied or gave his thoughts on the project.

Did I mention the infamous New Zealand Covid lockdown started halfway through our project?
Charl and Andrew are very experienced property investors and able to adapt to any situation thrown at them.
They didn’t miss a beat, hence ‘the project ran very smoothly from our perspective’.
Tradies must have been so difficult to come by in this period!

If one’s capability is measured during times of duress, they have truly shown they are very capable indeed.”

Karl and Erica, Newcastle
Karl and Erica, Newcastle
We first invested with Charl and Andrew in 2020 for 1 yr and 1 project. It was so easy (and lucrative) working with them that we ended up staying for triple that length of time and many more projects!

They are so transparent and enjoyable to work with and the deals they source are watertight and solid – we wanted to be hands-off Angel Investors with a fixed return and they delivered seamlessly.

Our returns came back, exactly as promised, and their communication throughout was excellent so we always knew where things were up to.

Charl and Andrew are also remarkably adept at planning for alternatives and pivoting strategies if the market changes mid-project – hello pandemic!

We were invested with them on a UK property when the effects of the pandemic really landed. They didn’t miss a beat and changed strategy from buy-and-hold to buy-and-flip, kept us in the loop with frequent and meaningful communication and then delivered our returns as promised, right on time.

They have proven to us time and again that they are skilled investors, comprehensive planners and excellent, easygoing communicators.

We love working with them and will continue to do so! We would highly recommend them to anyone considering investing in real estate, or just wanting a low-stress, high return way to make their money work much harder for them.

Justin & Yvette, Adelaide
Justin & Yvette, Adelaide
“We have been investing in property in the U.K and New Zealand for around 6 years.
Initially we did everything ourselves which involved endless hours of late night research and numbers crunching then eventually we were introduced to Charl and Andrew.

We felt at ease immediately knowing they had previous experience and a high success rate in the property game both as Developers and Investors.
Also we felt very comfortable knowing that they had a good team of Builders and local Real Estate Agents who help them identify opportunities and assist in all the upfront work on our behalf.
Our plan is to continue to invest in property overseas because of the high yields available; We look forward to work alongside Charl and Andrew for many years to come.”

Samantha, NZ
Samantha, NZ
“I have been a Graphic Designer for 16 years now. A property investor and Angel investor for 5 years.

I started investing with Charl and Andrew in 2020. And will most likely not want to stop. They have done an amazing job so far. Keeping me up to date on projects. Before and after photos and new lessons learnt along the way.

As I have grown to know these two on a business and personal level, working alongside them at business events and networking events, trusting them with my finances came easily.

I had struggled to trust people in the past because of various different reasons and so have learnt how to discern between good and bad people/investors. Knowing if people are in property for a real and authentic purpose driven reason or if they are in property just for money, wealth and status. I have seen both worlds.

I believe that Charl and Andrew are in property to fulfil Gods plans for this world and I wish them all the best in all future projects. Excited to see further progress.

Thanks team for your hard work and dedication, and for being a part of my property journey and learning experiences.”

Greg, Brisbane
Greg, Brisbane
“I can highly recommend Investor Grove to anyone looking for professional and sound investment opportunity.
Operating in the Supermarket retail industry limits time to explore new channels of investment.
Investor Grove did this for me and was amazed by the professionalism and knowledge of their investments. They delivered as promised and can’t wait for the next opportunity to be presented.”
Dianè, Adelaide
Dianè, Adelaide
“I decided to work with Investor Grove because I wanted some control of my own finances and not just listen to financial advisors!
I have not been disappointed.
The whole process and options were well explained and I understood my investment options. The personal guarantee on my investment gave me total confidence and every flip I have invested in has resulted in positive results.

I am excited to be part of Investor Grove. I have never regretted my decision.
Diané from Adelaide”

Michael, Adelaide
Michael, Adelaide
“As an independent design and project management consultant approaching retirement age, I was seeking to diversify investments outside of my standard superannuation investment portfolio.
I have now been with Investor Grove for approximately four years and have steadily increased my investments during that period. I have found that they provide surety of return on an annual basis.
I am kept fully informed on properties invested and appraised of potential opportunities.
Their professional and ethical approach in all matters relating to my investments is exemplary.

I would have no hesitation in investing with Investor Grove in the future should the opportunity arise.”

Barbara, NSW
Barbara, NSW
“3 years ago I was introduced to Charl and his company through a friend of mine I had met at a property seminar. I had some capital I wanted to invest and wanted to make a return better than what was available through the banks.

I was finding it challenging to invest in property in a personal capacity because of my situation. I thought that this maybe a solution for me.

My friend set up a meeting for us and that is where our journey started. Charl outlined in our meeting how investment with their company worked and what I could expect regarding communication. Over this time I have contacted them on a number of occasions to discuss property investment outside of what they do and has always guided me from their own experiences with interest of what I have been undertaking.
Financially I have been more than happy with my return on investment and project updates as things unfold. I trust their judgement and feel very comfortable with my capital I have invested with them.”